Do you have plans
for your third 25 years?

What will you do after 45?
Can you be/do something else?
How can you use all that experience?
How and where will you start?

If these questions are buzzing in your head, this is the place for you.

what is genwise ?

  • Designed to pack new ideas and new work into your third 25 years, we offer a 6-week, 30-hour preparation and production camp
  • It brings together 45+ year old people with experience and expertise who are passionate about creating, developing, inspiring and working.

For whom ?

  • If you want to bring your fresh ideas for the future to life while you are still in corporate life,
  • You have left the corporate life and are aiming to package your original and new ideas,
  • If you have not yet decided where and how to transfer your savings,
  • And you want to do that with like-minded and passionate genwisers,
  • If you would rather not stop being productive, but bring your ideas and projects to life, creating value and meaning. genwise is for you!

what are the deliverables ?

  • The answer to “what am I good for.
  • Business ideas in line with your experience and passions.
  • A way of bringing these ideas to life: through solid methodology and business plans
  • And a network of like-minded, friends who will be doing the work alongside you.
  • Day-by-day expending together genwise community

How is the process ?

  • Application, admission, orientation and 6 weeks and 30 hours camp process
  • 2 hours per week collective classes with all genwise
  • 1 hour of personal reflection, homework and feedback per week
  • 2 hours per week of group work and contribution to each other
See the Process

Who are we ?

We are genwise. Instead of retreating, we prefer to continue. We think there is so much to do and so much to participate in life. We know and trust that there is a lot of value accumulated around us and in the world at the age of 45+. We believe in the power of production with common sense. We are in favor of transforming learning into value, not just learning or teaching.

For new ideas, new works, new passions

I believe that this camp will support me to manage my excitement correctly on my new path of entrepreneurship.
Pınar Akışkalıoğlu
I still have a lot of energy to work and produce.
Arzu Unal
Big steps require small steps, and GenWise is one of those important steps.
Kemal Gencer
Whether you have an idea or not, you are giving yourself a very serious world here.
Olcay Tekinarslan

We have answers to questions you may wonder

Who can join? Why is there an age limit?

Any manager or business person from any industry, who is 45+, who believes in the power of collaboration and who is open to new experiences. Because this process of transformation, collaboration and production requires both practical and specifically leadership experience, which is almost exclusively obtainable with time.

What will we learn that we don’t already know?

A way of shipping that is collective and that has a clear methodology.

Is this a personal development or self-help program?

No. This is not coaching, this is not a personal development or self-help program. It is a structured program of learning, collaboration and production. At the end of the program you will have business ideas and business plans that you have personally developed. It is up to you to pursue them. If you do, we will be supporting you as genwisers.

What are the admission criteria?

First the easy part: you have to be 45+. Then the willingness to keep producing, to work and to learn. And most importantly, having taken steps towards getting out of one’s comfort zone and starting something new. The admission process is run by Zeynep and Tuğrul, the founders.

What do we do if we have no idea?

You probably have ideas. But even if you don't, you can also support the ideas and work that you are excited about and want to be a part of in production teams.

Is it a method that has been successful before?

Both of the founders and (most probably you too) have packaged a lot of work with this methodology before, genwise is most recent of them 

Register now at Genwise,
and join the growing community!